Claim Your Sol



June 21, 2024

Did you know that there might be SOL in your wallet right now that you're not aware of? Yes, it’s true, I just claimed up to $47 worth of SOL.

Every time you receive an NFT in your wallet, a special token account is created for it. Fancy, right? But when you send or sell that NFT, the account sticks around in your wallet like an unwanted guest at a party, doing absolutely nothing and eating up precious space. To create each of these accounts, someone paid ~0.002 SOL for rent. That’s right, this amount is withheld by the Solana Network forever, unless you do something about it.

But don’t worry, Claim Your SOL is here to help you reclaim that rent and turn those ghost accounts into cold, hard SOL. It’s like finding spare change in your couch cushions, but way cooler and more degen.

How Does It Work?

What Is Happening Here?

Let's quickly cover some basics. Solana accounts store data and transactions on the blockchain, and they require rent for maintenance. This rent mechanism helps keep the blockchain tidy by encouraging the removal of unnecessary data. If an account balance falls too low, it might get purged from the network. The good news is, you can reclaim the rent when the account is closed, which is exactly what Claim Your SOL is going to help you do!

Step-by-Step Guide to Claim Your SOL

Step 1: Visit the Claim Your Sol Website

  1. Head over to the Claim Your Sol website using a secure and trusted browser.

Step 2: Connect Your Wallet

  1. Find the Wallet Connection Option: On the homepage, look for the "Select Wallet" button.

  2. Choose Your Wallet: Click this button and select your Solana-compatible wallet from the list (like Phantom, Backpack, or Solflare).

  3. Click "Connect": After selecting your wallet, click the same button again, which will now say "Connect".

  4. Sign the Message: A pop-up will appear in your wallet. Simply sign the message to authorize the connection.

Step 3: Scan for Eligible Accounts

  1. Automatic Scan: Once connected, the website will automatically show all your open accounts and how much SOL you can claim from each.

  2. Review the Results: Take a moment to look through the list of accounts and the amounts of SOL available for claiming.

Step 4: Claim Your SOL

  1. Claim: To reclaim your SOL, just click the "CLAIM ALL" button.

  2. Approve the Transaction: Confirm and approve the transaction in your wallet. You might need to enter your wallet password or another form of authentication to complete the process.

Step 5: Verify the Claim

  1. Transaction Confirmation: After a few seconds, you’ll see a confirmation message on the website saying you’ve successfully claimed your SOL.

  2. Check Your Wallet Balance: Finally, check your wallet balance to make sure the reclaimed SOL has been credited.

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I write about what I am learning, what I have learnt, and document my resources to inspire the next generation of designers.

About the author

I write about what I am learning, what I have learnt, and document my resources to inspire the next generation of designers.

About the author

I write about what I am learning, what I have learnt, and document my resources to inspire the next generation of designers.

About the author

I write about what I am learning, what I have learnt, and document my resources to inspire the next generation of designers.

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